Sunday, March 1, 2015

Oh Oh....

Well I'm beginning to think there something wrong with my vision along with my chipped teeth and my aging skin.  I'm not kidding; I've aged 10 years in the last 4 months.

I keep falling over - flat on my face and the bruising up and down my legs, specifically my shins, tell there own story.  My daughter is coming to the doctor this time to ask him about it.  She knows I won't because I don't wan't to lose my license but I'll just keep quiet about that and maybe no one will realize!

It is a quiet Sunday.  The wind is howling even though there is a bright sun that burns you when standing in it for any length of time. Think I'll stay in from here. I went for an hour and a half walk with my son this morning; he's a good kid.  How many other 24 year old men, would give up their weekend to stay with mum.  Not many I'm tipping!

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Thanks. Better check it out but it should be up today!